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Labial Rejuvenation – San Diego Cosmetic Procedures

Published on October 17, 2014

Labial Rejuvenation San DiegoPatients are interested in labial rejuvenation for various different reasons. Some patients are in need of functional labiaplasty. If the size and shape of the labial lips causes you discomfort or pain during intercourse or other physical activities, you may benefit from functional labiaplasty.

Cosmetic labial rejuvenation is labiaplasty that is purely aesthetic in nature. Patients feeling embarrassed and self-conscious about the look of their labia (asymmetry, size, shape, pigmentation, and more) should consider cosmetic labiaplasty.

Labial rejuvenation can take care of both functional and cosmetic issues, so contact us today to find out more about the labiaplasty procedure. Dr. Mark Mofid is an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon with a great deal of technical skill. Call or email our office to set up a consultation.

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