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La Jolla: 858.909.9000

Neck Liposuction in San Diego

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A fleshy neck with excess fat can make even the thinnest man or woman appear overweight. This phenomenon results from the fact that the face and neck region is the most frequently looked at area on the body. Dr. Mark Mofid can remove excess fat from the neck to eliminate a double chin. This simple procedure may have such a dramatic impact that patients often receive compliments on their weight loss even though their necks are the only areas that have been treated. Please visit Dr. Mofid’s office in San Diego to learn more about neck liposuction in San Diego and undergo a digital imaging session with his cosmetic coordinator. Patients interested in cosmetic face, body, or breast surgery may also visit his La Jolla office for more information on financing or to learn more about the cost of his procedures. Please apply for CareCredit® online to receive instant approval.