Earlobe repair in San Diego
Torn earlobes can occur when heavy earrings are worn or when an earring is caught or pulled. Dr. Mark Mofid performs a short office-based procedure located at his San Diego office to repair ear lobes that have been injured. Torn earlobe repair is easily performed under local anesthesia. Occasionally, patients also desire to have earlobe reduction surgery at the same time. There is very little down time and there is typically a rapid recovery. At the completion of the healing process, earlobes can be re-pierced several weeks later. You can contact one of his San Diego area offices to schedule an appointment to meet with Dr. Mark Mofid one on one to discuss your torn earlobe repair options. Patients interested in cosmetic face, body, or breast surgery may also visit his La Jolla office for more information on financing or to learn more about the cost of his procedures. Please apply for CareCredit® online to receive instant approval.