An excess of tissue in the chest area of a man is known as gynecomastia. This issue has numerous potential causes and creates feelings of self-consciousness. If you have excess breast tissue, you may have gynecomastia. You may also instead have pseudogynecomastia.
Pseudogynecomastia, or false gynecomastia, is a type of gynecomastia in which the breast area is composed mainly of fatty tissue that can be lost without surgery. If proper diet and exercise are able to remedy your gynecomastia, this is pseudogynecomastia. An evaluation from a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon will help you ascertain which type you’re experiencing.
Dr. Mark Mofid, a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the San Diego area, will be able to answer your questions regarding gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia. Want to learn more about the differences? Contact our office and make an appointment today.