There are many ways to enhance your rear end’s size and shape, and the Brazilian butt lift is one of the most highly sought after. There’s a good reason for this—it can provide patients with the results they want without downsides like lengthy recovery periods. If you’re curious about the Brazilian butt lift and the advantages it offers, it’s time to learn more.
What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
A Brazilian butt lift is an innovative method of butt enhancement that has several advantages over alternative cosmetic solutions. For starters, it uses the patient’s own natural fat in order to give their buttocks added volume. This is an important point to consider, which will be discussed in more detail in the next section.
For now, it’s worth noting that the process is very straightforward. The fat is harvested from the donor site and then cleaned of impurities. The pure fat is then ready for injection into the target areas for a more natural butt lift.
BBL vs. Butt Augmentation vs. Butt Lift
As noted in the earlier section, BBL uses the patient’s own fat in order to achieve the results that they desire. In contrast, a typical butt augmentation procedure uses implants, and a traditional butt lift removes excess skin for added definition.
These three types of buttocks enhancement each offer their own benefits, and there are marked differences in terms of advantages and disadvantages.
For example, having implants in one’s buttocks can create impressive volume, but many patients are uncomfortable with the idea of having foreign implants in their body. Since a BBL only utilizes the patient’s own fat, it is an appealing alternative.
A traditional butt lift is an excellent option for creating definition and addressing sagging, but it doesn’t add any signification volume. The Brazilian butt lift is the better choice for curve and shape.
Why Get a Brazilian Butt Lift?
There are numerous advantages that come with choosing BBL over alternative butt-enhancement solutions. For starters, patients are practically guaranteed that the results will look natural. After all, this procedure uses the body’s natural fat to produce the enhancement effects. As a result, patients can show off the results without worrying about how their buttocks will look.
Additionally, a Brazilian butt lift involves liposuction to remove excess fat and put it to good use. This means that patients can reduce the volume of areas like their tummy and thighs while increasing their buttocks volume.
Another benefit of going with BBL is precision. The increase in size and the reshaping action are done through careful and precise injections. In the hands of a board-certified plastic surgeon, this process can allow for exquisite shaping capabilities that can help give patients the posterior that they have always wanted.
Last but not least, BBL significantly reduces the chances of rejection on the part of the patient. This is largely due to the fact that the fat that will be used for the butt enhancement comes from their own body.
Learn More About BBL
Want to find out more about BBLs? Contact us to learn more about why getting a Brazilian butt lift in San Diego is highly recommended.