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San Diego Plastic Surgery Blog

Breast Reduction San Diego

Published on June 2, 2019

Women with overly large breasts often seek out San Diego Breast Reduction to alleviate the discomfort and pain large breasts put on the body. Women with disproportionately large breasts often experience daily pain in the neck, shoulder, and back and

Abdominoplasty San Diego

Published on April 17, 2019

Abdominoplasty, or the Tummy Tuck, is a popular procedure and it’s not hard to see why. From pregnancy to weight loss to general aging, the area of the mid-section is prone to creating excess, sagging skin and to collecting and

Liposuction San Diego

Published on March 10, 2019

The Liposuction procedure is a commonly performed body contouring procedure for both men and women or various ages. Most people have a life-long struggle with one specific area of their body–it is different for everyone–some people struggle with their mid-section, others the

Facelift San Diego

Published on February 23, 2019

Face lift surgery is widely recognized as the ultimate in facial rejuvenation procedures. Both men and women can benefit from a face lift if they are unhappy with the appearance of sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles. San Diego board

Breast Reduction San Diego

Published on February 7, 2019

The Breast Reduction procedure has helped countless women live more comfortably and confidently in their bodies. Excessive, large breasts can cause a number of issues from back pain to shoulder pain, neck pain to self-consciousness. Overly large breasts can present

Breast Enhancement San Diego

Published on December 30, 2018

Breast Enhancement is a cosmetic surgery procedure that has consistently been one of the most popular procedure performed in the United States. Many women seek out a Breast Enhancement to increase the size of their breasts due to dissatisfaction about

Breast Reconstruction San Diego 

Published on November 19, 2018

San Diego Breast Reconstruction has helped countless women heal and restore confidence in themselves and in their bodies after the effects of losing one or both breasts to cancer. Breast Reconstruction has also helped women born with breast deformities or

Laser Hair Removal San Diego

Published on October 20, 2018

Conventional hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, threading or tweezing require constant upkeep and can even be painful. If you are looking for a more long-lasting, effective hair removal method, you may want to consider Laser Hair Removal. Dr.

Arm Lift San Diego

Published on September 23, 2018

There are a couple of factors which may lead to a person seeking out surgical treatment to improve the contour of their arms. Most common factors include individuals who have gone through a dramatic weight loss and are now left

Spider Vein Treatment San Diego

Published on June 27, 2018

Spider Veins are unsightly small clusters of colorful veins that often appear on the legs. Many women feel very self-conscious of their spider veins, particularly in warmer seasons when shorts and swimsuits call for naked legs. Spider vein removal is