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Body Contouring Procedures

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With the wide variety of body contouring procedures available today, there is no need for men and women to be self-conscious about their bodies. Dr. Mark Mofid‘s San Diego and La Jolla-area practice offers body contouring customized to each of his patients in order to enhance the natural shapes of their bodies.


Dr. Mark Mofid performs the abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, procedure for patients who would like to eliminate a protruding abdomen for a shapelier figure. Healthy men and women who are bothered by excess skin or large fat deposits in their abdominal areas can vastly improve the looks of their bodies and appear more slender after abdominoplasty surgery. To learn more about this body contouring option, visit the page dedicated to abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).

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Small fat deposits that are unresponsive to diet and exercise may be eliminated with liposuction. In liposuction surgery, excess fat is gently sucked out of problem areas to sculpt the body and give it a smoother, more attractive contour. Liposuction should not be used for weight loss, but rather as a way for patients to exercise aesthetic control over difficult-to-manage areas such as the hips, thighs, stomach, underarms, breasts, and chin. Learn more about this body contouring options by visiting the page dedicated to liposuction.

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Post-Bariatric Body Contouring

After a significant amount of weight has been lost through bariatric surgery or other means, Dr. Mark Mofid can remove excess skin to create a taut, natural-looking appearance. Skin and excess tissue is removed from the abdomen, arms, thighs, and other areas requiring treatment. This procedure is tailored to the needs of each patient based on the amount of tissue to be removed. For more information about this body contouring option, please visit the page dedicated to post-bariatric plastic surgery after weight loss.

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Contact Dr. Mark Mofid for a Body Procedure Consultation

Dr. Mark Mofid provides many procedures that shape and lift the body into the form the patient desires and create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Problem areas can be targeted with treatments that enhance the body’s natural contours. Contact the office of plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Mofid serving San Diego to schedule a body contouring consultation.

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