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San Diego Plastic Surgery Blog

Achieving Better Contoured Arms with Arm Lift Surgery

Published on November 7, 2011

Arm lift surgery is designed to address the sagging skin around the upper arm. Both men and women may experience sagging skin after significant weight loss or if their skin has lost it’s elasticity. In either case, arm lift surgery

Improving the Contour of Your Body with Liposuction San Diego

Published on October 7, 2011

There are parts of our body that are extremely hard to tone once fat has collected. Even after hours in the gym, many people don’t achieve the body they desire. Using the latest in liposuction techniques, board certified plastic surgeon

San Diego Arm Lift Surgery

Published on October 3, 2011

With age our skin loses it’s elasticity, this also occurs after significant weight loss and it causes the skin to sag. In either of these cases, when the loose, excess, sagging skin is on the arms the best solution for

San Diego Inner Thigh Lift

Published on July 29, 2011

Having thick and dimpled thighs are a tender source of self-consciousness for many people, both men and women. The not-so-affectionately called “Thunder Thighs” can torment otherwise sane people into developing a real fear of wearing shorts in public. It’s no

San Diego Rhinoplasty – Nose Surgery

Published on July 13, 2011

Many men and women alike are dissatisfied with their noses. The reasons vary from structural issues to aesthetic ones. Rhinoplasty can help to dramatically improve overall facial symmetry, harmony and help improve nose function. Board certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Mofid

Revitalize and Increase Your Buttocks

Published on July 5, 2011

Dr. Mofid offers several procedures designed to enhance and revitalize the breast, face and body. There are two procedures he commonly performs to improve the appearance of the Buttock. These two procedures are a Brazilian Buttock Lift and Buttock Augmentation.

Treating Excessive Underarm Sweating

Published on May 30, 2011

Everyone sweats, but for people with Axillary Hyperhidrosis it can become a rather embarrassing act. Axillary Hyperhidrosis is an overproduction of underarm sweat. If you are experiencing more underarm sweat than normal and are having a hard time living with

San Diego Mid-Section Improvement – Abdominoplasty

Published on March 21, 2011

Abdominoplasty, or the Tummy Tuck, is a popular procedure and it’s not hard to see why. From pregnancy to weight loss to general aging, the area of the mid-section is prone to creating excess, sagging skin and to collecting and

Reversing Common Signs of Facial Aging – Facelift

Published on February 21, 2011

Face lift surgery is widely recognized as the ultimate in facial rejuvenation procedures. Both men and women can benefit from a face lift if they are unhappy with the appearance of sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles. San Diego board

San Diego Breast Augmentation

Published on May 21, 2010

Many women receiving breast augmentation surgery performed by Dr. Mark Mofid find great satisfaction with their bodies and a renewed sense of confidence that they may have never otherwise had. If you are interested in meeting with Dr. Mofid contact

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